Marketing Research and Insight Associations is the only place you’ll find a complete list of all the marketing research and insights associations from around the world. The marketing research associations play a crucial role in providing ethical and professional guidance as well as advocating on behalf of the industry.
Alliance of International Market Research Institutes (AIMRI)
AIMRI represents the corporate and business interests of international market research agencies with the aim to help them win more business.
Asia Marketing Federation
A collaboration platform for all marketing associations in Asia.
Asia Pacific Research Committee
A prime network for exchanging information and knowledge on marketing research and related industries between the association and societies in the Asia Pacific region.
A worldwide association, ESOMAR (formerly known as the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) is the world organization for enabling better research into markets, consumers and societies.
European Finanical Management and Marketing Association (EFMA)
EFMA is a non-profit organization created by leading banks and insurance companies with a mission to provide community intelligence to optimize, innovate and transform by recognizing members’ best practices and connecting them.
European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Organization (EphMRA)
A European based association which brings together European, research-based pharmaceutical companies operating on a global perspective. EphMRA is an industry specific forum for strategic business intelligence and marketing research professionals.
Insights Association
Insights Association was formed through the merger of two organizations with long, respected histories of servicing the market research and analytics industry: CASRO and MRA. The result is a new, larger and more connected association with a unified, coordinated and higher profile voice, aligned in mission and message and ultimately more effective at advancing the industry and profession in which we all share an abiding passion.
Insight Management Academy (IMA)
The IMA is the world's leading authority on transforming corporate insight teams.
Intellus Worldwide
Intellus worldwide is the leading organization for healthcare insights and analytics, including global manufacturers and service providers representing pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical device and diagnostics and patients.
International Mystery Shopping Alliance (IMSA)
A worldwide alliance of mystery shopping companies. The alliance was created to fill the need for quality mystery shopping services across the world using experienced and expert local agencies.
As a trusted source for industry knowledge, LIMRA provides research and solutions for better business decisions and profitable growth.
Market Research Institute International (MRII)
Our mission is to offer global, market-leading continuing education programs for the understanding, practice or consumption of market research, insights and data.
Market Research Society (MRS)
MRS is the world’s largest association serving all those with professional equity in provision or use of market, social and opinion research, and in business intelligence, market analysis, customer insight and consultancy.
Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is a global non-profit trade association representing all players in the mobile marketing value chain. The MMA works to promote, educate, measure, guide and protect the mobile marketing industry worldwide.
Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA)
A worldwide trade association dedicated to improving service quality using anonymous resources. Member companies work with their clients to establish mechanisms to measure and improve levels of service.
Neuromarketing Science and Business Association
The Neuromarketing Science and Business Association is the international organization for everyone with a professional interest in neuromarketing.
Professional Insights Collaborative
The mission of the Professional Insights Collaborative is to create a space for in-house/end-client researchers that is free from the involvement of suppliers or vendors. A place where they can connect with their counterparts to learn, share and help each other without being pitched or sold to or having the information out in the public domain. Why join the Professional Insights Collaborative? PIC encourages you to exchange ideas, information and expertise with a diverse group of professionals. Fuel innovation and creativity by learning from each other's experiences and perspectives. Connect with like-minded individuals, organizations and professionals. Unlock new opportunities, partnerships and collaborations through our member network. Benefit from a community that embraces diversity in backgrounds, skills and viewpoints, solve problems comprehensively and explore a broader range of ideas and more!
A U.S. based not-for-profit association of consultants involved in the design and implementation of qualitative research — focus groups, in-depth interviews, in-context and observational research.
Social Media Research Association (SMRA)
Global trade association dedicated to the advocacy, promotion and development of best practices for using social media as a source for insights and marketing efficiency.
Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)
A global nonprofit membership organization for anyone involved in creating and managing business knowledge. The mission is to enhance the skills of knowledge professionals in order to help their companies achieve and maintain a competitive advantage.
The TSAPI initiative is to develop, maintain and promote an accepted industry standard for transferring survey data, via rest API or the like.
Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA)
TTRA is a professional organization comprised of providers and users of travel and tourism research and serves as a resource to the travel and tourism industry. TTRA facilitates access to numerous sources of information to support research efforts.
World Advertising Research Center (WARC)
An association which supplies of information, knowledge, insight and data to the global marketing, advertising, media and research communities.
World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
An association with the mission of establishing and promoting contacts between persons and institutions in the field of qualitative and quantitative scientific research on opinions, attitudes, and behavior and improving and protecting the use of such research in national and international affairs.
Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN)
The Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN) is a global network made up of the most important market research entrepreneurs, industry leaders and innovators worldwide conducting market research and opinion polls in every continent. We are a network that works globally, but truly understands the local culture, market and business needs.
World Federation of Advertisers (WFA)
WFA is the only global organization representing the common interests of marketers.
Camara Argentina de Anunciantes
Camara Argentina de Anunciantes offers guidance, solutions and representation for the development of advertising and communications.
Camara de Empresas de Investigacion (CIEM)
CIEM brings together the professonals of social research applied to marketing and opinion in Argentina.
Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores de Marketing y Opinion (SAIMO)
The marketing research society for Argentina. SAIMO aims to keep research professionals up to date on the latest industry information and contribute to the understanding of the social value of research.
Armenian Marketing Association NGO
The Armenian Marketing Association provides services and carries out projects in research, educational, consulting fields and holds exhibitions, training and seminars.
Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA)
The Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA) is the peak industry body for data, insights and research organizations in Australia. ADIA represents traditional research organizations and newcomers who cover data analytics in the growing area of research technology, or ‘ResTech’, enabling research to flourish in all its forms and protect and sustain the industry.
The Research Society
The Research Society is the peak body in Australia for everyone engaged or interested in market, social and opinion research, whether you use it or provide it and data analytics, customer experience and insight.
Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA)
The AANA is the peak national body championing the interests of Australia’s advertisers. The AANA exists to inspire and promote responsible, innovative and respectful marketing through a commitment to sustainable industry collaboration.
Australian Marketing Institute
The Australian Marketing Institute is the requisite organization for professional marketers and the authoritative voice of marketing in Australia.
The Research Society
The professional association for the market research and insights industry in Australia.
Verband der Marktforscher Österreichs (VMÖ)
Austrian professional research association with the aim of promoting the interests of the industry and networking amongst researchers.
Belgian Association for Quantitative and Qualitative Marketing Research (BAQMaR)
BAQMaR is a marketing research firm focusing on quantitative and qualitative research.
Belgian Management and Marketing Association
An association of professionals sharing their knowledge and experiences in every aspect of marketing and management.
European Group of Television Advertising (EGTA)
EGTA is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.
European Marketing Confederation (EMC)
The EMC is Europe’s largest marketing membership organization, helping to expand professional marketing networks across Europe and beyond.
European Research Federation (EFAMRO)
EFAMRO is an international federation of market research agency associations within the European Union.
Federation of European Data and Marketing (FEDMA)
The Federation of European Data and Marketing represents the interests of the data and marketing industry from across Europe in Brussels.
Union Belge des annonceurs/Unie der Belgische Adverteerders (UBA)
The Belgian association for advertisers with the mission to create a creative, innovative and transparent ecosystem that provides a unique breeding ground for strong and sustainable brands.
Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa (ABEP)
Brazilian market research association with the goal of promoting the value, development, and use of marketing research.
Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores de Mercado Opinião e MÃdia (ASBPM)
The first entity to bring together market researchers in Brazil, playing an important role in the information of knowledge, critical reflection debate and dissemination of ethical and theoretical principles and the practice of research in Brazil.
Associação Brasileira de Anunciantes (ABA)
ABA’s purpose is to collectively defend and represent the interests of advertising companies in the pollical and institutional field, in addition to developing and disseminating best practices to enhance better results throughout the professional field.
Bulgarian National Association of Marketing Researchers (BAMOR)
BAMOR’s aim is to promote the importance of market and sociological research in solving real problems and making better solutions.
Canadian Marketing Association (CMA)
Canadian association representing the integration and convergence of all marketing disciplines, channels and technologies.
Canadian Research Foundation (CARF)
The CARF is a not-for-profit organization that focuses primarily on advertising, communications and media research.
Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC)
CRIC is Canada's voice of the research, insights and analytics industry representing agencies, client organizations and other industry partners. It supports and endorses CAIP Canada, the professional body for Canada’s Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals.
Certified Analytics and Insights Professionals of Canada (CAIP)
For companies committed to supporting the highest standard and ethics, strong advocacy and innovation in research, analytics and insights.
Marketing Research and Intelligence Association
Association that advocates and supports professionals and organizations involved in market, social and opinion research both traditional and modern.
Asociación Chilena de Publicidad (ACHAP)
We bring together commercial and advertising communication agencies and promote creativity as a source of value for brands and businesses.
Asociación Chilena Empresas de Investigacion de Mercado (AIM)
We are a non-profit association who brings together companies, professionals and academic institutions dedicated to the market research industry.
Associación Nacional de Avisadores (ANDA)
ANDA aims to defend the freedom of commercial expression, ensure the development and transparency of industry practices along with technical training and connect partners through different ANDA initiatives.
Asociación Colombiana de Invesitgacion de Medios (ACICOM)
ACICOM is an association of communiocation researchers whose main objective is to promote, strengthen and develop research and facilitate diologue and exchange processes at a national and international level.
Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes (ANDA)
ANDA represents the interests of advertisers in Colombia by promoting the development of the commercial communication industry.
Croatian Marketing Association
An association of all legal and natural persons who have an interest in improving marketing theory and practice.
Association of Opinion Poll and Market Research Enterprises of Cyprus (SEDEAK)
SEDEAK aims to promote market research and polls on a scientific basis.
Czech Republic
Association of Market and Opinion Research Agencies (SIMAR)
A non-profit organization that has been supporting, promoting and enriching market research, public opinion research, sociological research and data analytics.
Czech Institute of Marketing (CIMA)
CIMA is a brand and system for creating professionals in the marketing management of companies.
Czech Marketing Association
The Czech Marketing Association is a voluntary non-profit organization that brings together marketing staff and those interested in marketing in the form of collective and individual membership.
Danish Marketing Association
Part of the business, professional, labor, political, and similar organizations industry, made up of 6,500+ members.
Finnish Association of Marketing Research Agencies (FAMRA)
Our aim is to increase the quality of market research to improve the work processes of market research companies.
The Finnish Association of Marketing, Technology and Creativity (MTL)
MTL represents the interests of professional marketing and communication companies.
The Finnish Marketing Association (MARK)
We produce expert webinars that help you strengthen your skills, learn new things and understand marketing holistically.
The Association of Finnish Advertisers
A network of companies that make and buy marketing and communications., where you can increase your skills, get support for your work and create valuable relationships.
Association Française du Marketing (AFM)
AFM brings together marketing professionals whether they are teachers, researchers, consultants or marketing managers working within companies, research companies or other types of organizations.
Institut de Recherches et d’Etudes Publicitaires (IREP)
IREP offers all members the opportunity to consolidate and enrich their knowledge of the strategic issues of advertising, communication and the media.
L'Association Nationale du Marketing (ADETEM)
French marketing association founded in 1954 with a mission to represent and promote the profession and the trades of marketing.
Syntec Conseil
Syntec Conseil is the professional union representing consulting companies in France. With nearly 250 member companies, we embody the profession in all its dimensions and together invent the consulting professions of tomorrow.
Union des Marques
Our association represents companies and brands and supports them in their transformations.
Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungs institute e.V. (ADM)
The Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V. (ADM) is the association of private market and social research agencies in Germany.
Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. (BVM)
BVM is a professional association of German market and social researchers. The aim of the BVM is to enhance and protect the reputation of the market researchers and the market study and to increase research quality and knowledge.
German Society for Online Research (DGOF)
The DGOF is committed to the establishment and further development of online research and to the interests of online researchers in Germany.
Association of Greek Market and Opinion Research Companies (SEDEA)
SEDEA aims to promote scientific market research and social research in Greece.τι-είναι-ο-σεδεα/#
Hellenic Advertisers Association
The purpose of the Hellenic Advertisers Association is to promote and defend the interests of advertisers in all areas and all directions in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of advertising.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)
HKIM is committed to vecome the most significant force in marketing in Hong Kong representing marketing professionals with the aim of establishing, fostering and promoting a high standard of professionalism, excellence and ethical integrity in the practice of marketing.
Association of Hungarian Market Research Organizations (PMSZ)
Members of PMSZ are responsible market and opinion research companies committed to the development and advancement of the research profession.
Hungarian Marketing Association (HMA)
We create an active and professional community that is committed to creating value together with the client and service provider.
The Market Research Society of India
A non-promit market research body formed in 1988 by a large fraternity of research suppliers and users spread across India.
Indian Society of Advertisers
The peak national body for advertisers representing the interests of organizations involved in Indian advertising, marketing and the media industry.
Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA)
The IMA is an organization that focuses on marketing development activities as a profession.
Perhimpunan Riset Pemasaran (PERPI)
The only non-profit organization of market research companies operating in Indonesia. PERPI is a network of companies and market research experts.
Iranian Marketing Research Association
The Iranian Marketing Research Association's goals are to create a professional system for the promotion of the profession and the realization of the union and to develop marketing, social and survey research in Iran.تماس-با-انجمن/
Association of Irish Market Research Organisations (AIMRO)
AIMRO represents the highest quality research organizations in the Republic of Ireland.
Association of Advertisers in Ireland (AAI)
AAI advances the commercial interests of advertisers by advocating for the right to responsible self-regulation and fair competition.
Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI)
IAPI’s mission is to be the representative body for commercial creativity and communications in Ireland.
Marketing Institute of Ireland (MII)
MII’s purpose is to reframe marketing, strengthen the standing of the profession and educatate, enable and empower marketers at all stages of their career to have the foresight, insight and expertise to become transformational leaders, drive business performance and contribute to the wellbeing of the economy and society.
The Marketing Society of Ireland
The Marketing Society of Ireland is a central hub for our members, creating a culture for smart marketers to be better equipped and prepared to succeed in today’s business world.
Advertisers Association of Israel
Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing (AISM)
A non-profit association with the goal to develop and promote the culture and professionalism of marketing.
Associazione tra Istituti di Ricerca di Mercato (ASSIRM)
ASSIRM brings together the major Italian companies that carry out market research, opinion research, opinion polls and social research.
L’Associazone Italiana Direttori Commerciali e Marketing Managers (ADICO)
ADICO addresses and involves the commercial, sales, marketing, entrepreneurs and CEO’s in order to encourage the professional growth of its members for the success of the company for which they work.
Japan Marketing Research Association (JMRA)
A marketing research organization with the aim of development and dissemination of marketing research and establishment of ethics by gathering companies specializing in marketing research in Japan.
Japan Advertisers Association Inc. (JAA)
A public interest corporation that works together with leading Japanese advertiser companies and organizations to contribute to the sound development of advertising activities.
Japan Advertising Agencies Association (JAAA)
Together with advertisers, media companies and cooperating organizations, we aim to connect companies, media and consumers through advertising and to make peoples lives more enjoyable and enriched.
Japan Marketing Association
Our association has endeavored to research, educate and disseminate marketing theory and techniques under industry-academia collaboration.
Kazakhstan Association of Professional Researchers of Public Opinion and Market
The association brings together legal entities from among the leading marketing and sociological organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Marketing and Social Research Association (MRSA)
Established to provide a forum within which research practitioners can work together in a spirit of cooperation, support and mutual goodwill to ensure professionalism in the industry.
Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK)
MSK is the national umbrella body for all marketers in Kenya whose key mandate is to empower and regulate the marketing industry by creating policy that governs the marketing industry, education and training of professionalism corporates and entrepreneurs marketing and business mentorship and arbitration through the Advertising Standards Board.
Korea Research Association (KORA)
KOEA is a non-profit organization representing the marketing and opinion survey industry.
Korea Advertisers Association (KAA)
We are actively promoting the establishment of a proper market economy system.
Marketing Research Society of Malaysia (MRSM)
The MRSM was set up to provide a stimulus to encourage, support and foster change and growth in the marketing research industry and amongst its practitioners, with the aim of achieving the highest possible standards of professionalism and practice in Malaysia.
Institute of Marketing Malaysia
The vision of the Institute of Marketing Malaysia is to be the only leading non-profit professional body for sales and marketing practitioners in the country.
Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Investigación de Mercado y Opinión Publica A.C. (AMAI)
Mexican association of marketing and public opinion research firms with the purpose of establishing quality norms and standards as well as common methods, techniques, terminology etc.
Mongolian Marketing Research Association
The goal of the Mongolian Marketing Research Association is for researchers to develop marketing research in Mongolia, promote international professional standards and ethics in marketing research, organize training seminars, exhibitions, provide advice and information and implement projects and programs.
Markt Onderzoek Associatie (MOA)
The association of Dutch market research companies. The association has approximately 35 corporate members.
bVA Bond van adverteerders
The only association of exclusively advertisers. We are a network of brand leaders, where members can strengthen mutual contact and increase their knowledge.
Nederlands Instituut voor Marketing (NIMA)
A professional association for professionals in marketing, communication and sales.
Stichting KijkOnderzoek(SKO)
SKO is responsible for reporting and controlling the viewing figures, adjustments and innovations in the method of the audience survey.
New Zealand
Research Association New Zealand (RANZ)
Research Association New Zealand (RANZ) is the only industry body dedicated to professional providers and users of research and insights. The Research Association New Zealand brand is a trust-mark for clients, employers, colleagues and other industries and indicates that the bearer is a member of an expert community, which upholds the highest professional and ethical standards.
ANFO Annonsorforeningen
ANFO is an interest organization for Norwegian advertisers and marketers.
The Norwegian Society for Market Research
Our association is a professional interest organization for everyone who works with analysis and strategy on the agency side, the customer side or who teaches the subjects.
Marketing Association of Pakistan
The association aims to improve and develop the technical and general knowledge of persons engaged or about to be engaged in the profession of marketing and aims to promote the growth of professional marketing in Pakistan.
Camara de Anunciantes del Paraguay
We represent national and multinational advertisers before society, making a permanent effort to defend the freedom of commercial communication and the right of advertisers to a market of free exchange of goods.
Asociacion Peruana de Empresas de Inteligencia de Mercados
A non-profit union which brings together market research and public opinion companies whose purpose is the promotion, development, protection and defense of market research activity.
Asociacion Nacional de Anunciantes del Peru (ANDA)
ANDA is recognized by the commercial industry, authorities, academia and the community in general as the reference organization on issues related to ethical commercial communication that respects the right of consumers to good information.
The Marketing and Opinion Research Society of the Philippines, Inc. (MORES)
MORES vision is to create an outstanding climate of support and be the center of excellence for market, opinion and social research and analytics organizations and practitioners to advance the value of research in decision-making.
Philippine Marketing Association
A strong pullar of support and source of direction for marketers in the Philippines and across the region, pushing for excellence and unparalleled service to the marketing and business community.
Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku I Opinii
A unique community of enthusiasts of conclusions about the market and people.
Polish Association of Public Opinion and Marketing Research Firms (OFBOR)
OFBOR is an employers’ association that fathers only certified research agencies and aims to promote the highest methodolofical and ethical standards in research.
Associacao Portuguesa de Empresas de Estudios de Mercado e de Opiniao (APODEMO)
APODEMO aims to contribute to the modernization of the market and opinion research industry and promote the importance of the sector in a market perspective.
Associacao Portuguesa de Anunciantes (APAN)
A non-profit association with lefal personality whose specific objective is to defend, safeguard and promote the interests of its members in all aspects related to commercial communication.
Portuguese Marketing Association
Association with the aim of promoting a better understanding of the role played by marketing and contributing to its promotion, developing the spirit of collaboration between its professionals.
Romanian Society for Marketing and Public Opinion Research (SORMA)
SORMA’s mission is to promote the market research industry.
Group 7/89 Association of Russian Regional Research Centers
A voluntary association of legal entities and individuals who carry out professional activities in the market of sociological and marketing research.
Russian Association of Market and Public Opinion Researchers (OIROM)
Russia’s first professional association of research companies.
The RMAA marketing agency created a detailed and extensive understanding on how to increase sales, improve marketing techniques and grow businesses and brands in Russia and the CIS.
Market Research Society Singapore (MRSS)
The MRSS was established in repones to a need for a body that can unite and steer research practitioners toward the common goals of continued professionalism, cooperation among research organizations and the upholding of the highest standards of research and business ethics.
Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS)
A non-profit organization that connects you to the largest fraternity of sales and marketing professionals in Singapore.
Slovak Republic
The Slovak Association of Market Research Agencies (SAVA)
SAVA is a selective association of agencies or natural persons engaged in market and public opinion research.
Slovenian Marketing Association (SMA)
The SMA is a voluntary, independent and non-profit organization of individuals working in marketing.
Slovenian Advertising Chamber (SOZ)
The central professional organization in the field of marketing communication.
South Africa
South African Audience Research Foundation (SAARF)
SAARF’s main objective is to direct and publish media audience and product/brand research for the benefit of its stakeholders, thereby providing data for target marketing and a common currency for the buying and selling of media space and time.
Southern African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA)
The Southern African Marketing Research Association is a professional body of individuals engaged in every aspect of marketing research – from planning, supervising and setting standards for the industry, to teaching and promoting professionalism in marketing research.
Insights + Analytics España
A Spanish marketing and market research association.
Spanish Association for Market and Opinion Studies (AEDEMO) and National Association of Market Research and Opinion Companies (ANEIMO)
The objective is to promote the important role that market research has in understanding consumers and society.
Asociacion Espanola de Anunciantes (AEA)
A non-profit association that represents advertising companies to defend their interests in everything that affects commercial communication.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing
We champion the promotion of business excellence in Sri Lanka.
Swedish Marketing Federation
A non-profit interest organization in marketing, communication and leadership.
The Association of Swedish Advertisers
An independent interest organization that works for healthy, responsible and sustainable marketing.
Swiss Data Insights Association
The representation of interests of all companies that collect, analyze and use data and predictive models as part of maketing processes and derive reccomendations for action from them.
Thailand Marketing Research Society (TMRS)
TMRS, comprised of market researchers, social researchers and users of market research, is aimed at promoting and upgrading the market research industry in Thailand to international levels.
Marketing Association of Thailand
A non-[profit organization with a purpose to develop the potential of marketing personnel to be equal to the international level in every group from businessmen, marketers, entrepreneurs as well as marketing instructors and marketing students across the country.
Turkish Researchers’ Association
A training platform that offers a professional development environment in the field of market, marketing and social research to all stakeholders of the research sector in order to support the professional and personal development of human resources in the research sector.
Turkish Advertisers Association
Ukrainian Marketing Association
A national professional member ship organization aiming to provide educational programs and publications in all aspects of marketing.
United Kingdom
Association for Qualitative Research (AQR)
A U.K. based association with the goal of promoting qualitative research within the market research arena and the broader business community and enhancing its perceived value in the process.
Association for Survey Computing (ASC)
A U.K. based organization with the mission improving knowledge of good practice in survey computing and to disseminating information on techniques and survey software.
Association of Users of Research Agencies (AURA)
A U.K. organization designed exclusively for buyers of marketing research (not research companies) to promote effective use of market research, to maintain standards and to exchange experiences and information about research companies and services.
British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association (BHBIA)
A U.K. based organization promoting and enhancing professionalism and the value of business intelligence within the health care industry.
Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB)
BARB is responsible for providing estimates of the number of people watching television in the U.K. It acts on behalf of the U.K. television industry which includes broadcasters, buying companies and advertisers.
Business Intelligence Group (BIG)
BIG is a U.K. based organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the interests of individuals involved in any aspect of business intelligence and market research. All membership interests are represented – whether as information users/buyers or research suppliers.
Colour of Research (CORe)
Colour of Research is the hub for all things concerning ethnic diversity within the market research industry. CORe is a colourful, global community, driven to bring about more diversity in a monochromatic research industry.
Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA)
ISBA brings together a powerful network of marketers with common interests and gives a single voice to advocacy for the improvement of the industry.
Independent Consultants Group (ICG)
The Independent Consultants Group (ICG) represents small market research consulting companies and independent market researchers based mainly in the U.K. but operating worldwide.
Interviewer Quality Control Scheme (IQCS)
The Interviewer Quality Control Scheme (IQCS) was established in 1978 to address the differences in quality buyers experienced when purchasing fieldwork in the U.K.
Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA)
LARIA is about supporting local researchers in the public sector. Established in 1974, its formal remit is to promote the role and practice of research within the field of local government and provide a supportive network for those conducting or commissioning research.
Market Research Benevolent Association (MRBA)
The MRBA exists to provide financial support and advice to individual colleagues experiencing real hardship, who work or have worked in any aspect of market research and who are based in the U.K.
Media Research Group (MRG)
Your forum on all things related to media research, including evening meetings, education, conferences and social events.
New York American Marketing Association
Our mission is to build the future and raise the profile of marketing. We probe the new nature of the field and we advocate for all aspects of marketing innovation and expertise.
Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA)
Today’s out of home medium offers new technologies, new formats and more creative thinking to help advertisers and their agencies take their message further.
Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is a professional society, with 6,500 members based in the U.K. and overseas with the goal to provide effective and efficient services to our members which will support their professional and academic interests and their endeavors to advance the other objectives of the Society.
Social Research Association (SRA)
The SRA promotes excellence in social research.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
CIM strives for business leaders and opinion formers to recognize the positive contribution professional marketing can bring to their organizations, the economy and wider society.
The Advertising Association
We promote the role and rights of responsible advertising and its value to society and the economy by acting as the connection between industry professionals and policymakers.
The Association for Qualitative Research (AQR)
AQR represents and furthers the interests of the qualitative research industry in the U.K. and beyond.
The Marketing Society
We take you through the definition of marketing, the different types there are and strategies in place, the importance of marketing and how you can grow your business using the same.
United States
Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)
The principal mission of The ARF is to improve the practice of advertising, marketing and media research in pursuit of more effective marketing and advertising communications.
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR)
AAPOR is a U.S. based association of individuals who share an interest in public opinion and survey research. AAPOR encourages quality survey methods through its Public Opinion Quarterly journal, its annual conference and educational opportunities.
American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA)
The national trade association representing the advertising agency business in the United States. The AAAA is a management-oriented association that offers its members the broadest possible services, expertise and information regarding the advertising agency business.
American Economic Association (AEA)
An association that that encourages economic research, especially the historical and statistical study of the actual conditions of industrial life.
American Marketing Association (AMA)
An international professional organization for people involved in the practice, study and teaching of marketing.
American Statistical Association (ASA)
The ASA aims to promote excellence in the application of statistical science across the wealth of human endeavor.
Association of National Advertisers Inc
As the voice of the industry, the ANA provides the advertising community with a voice before Congress, state legislatures, Federal regulatory agencies and the courts.
Center for Marketing & Opinion Research LLC (CMOR)
CMOR provides public opinion research services to colleges and univerisities, hospitals and healthcare organizations, businesses and community-based organizations and government agencies.
Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA)
The Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of customer experience management practices. Our members are individuals who develop, manage, optimize and envision how organizations interact with their customers.
International Advertising Association (IAA)
As the global compass for the marketing and advertising industry, IAA’s mission is to serve as the gateway for brands and marketers seeking customers and growth across borders and to guide our members through the transformations taking place in our industry.
Insights in Color
Insights in Color (IIC) is a diversity initiative for BIPOC market researchers and insights professionals rooted in intentional disruption.
Population Association of America (PAA)
A U.S. based society of professionals working in the population field and promoting research on population issues.
Professional Insights Collaborative
The mission of the Professional Insights Collaborative is to create a space for in-house/end-client researchers that is free from the involvement of suppliers or vendors. A place where they can connect with their counterparts to learn, share and help each other without being pitched or sold to or having the information out in the public domain. Why join the Professional Insights Collaborative? PIC encourages you to exchange ideas, information and expertise with a diverse group of professionals. Fuel innovation and creativity by learning from each other's experiences and perspectives. Connect with like-minded individuals, organizations and professionals. Unlock new opportunities, partnerships and collaborations through our member network. Benefit from a community that embraces diversity in backgrounds, skills and viewpoints, solve problems comprehensively and explore a broader range of ideas and more!
Puget Sound Research Forum (PSRF)
The purpose of PSRF is to provide the means for professionals in the Seattle research community to enhance their professional skills, to meet and exchange ideas and information, to develop contacts, to learn about the skills and jobs of the members and to represent the research community.
Society of Insurance Research (SIR)
The Society of Insurance Research was founded in 1970 to provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas in all areas of insurance research. The activities of SIR are intended to provide opportunities to discuss current issues with fellow researchers and planners.
User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA)
The Usability Professionals’ Association supports usability specialists, people from all aspects of human-centered design and the broad family of disciplines that create the user experience in promoting the design and development of usable products.
Women in Research (WIRe)
WIRe's mission is to advance the contributions and voice of women in research, both for themselves and for the greater good of the industry.
Association of Marketing Directors of Uruguay (ADM)
The ADM is a non-profit business and professional association with great prestige in our environment as the main representative institution of the national best community.
The Chamber of Advertisers of Uruguay (CAU)
The CAU represents the advertisers before their professional interlocutors, the authorities and society in general, promoting the defense of their legitimate interests and points of view.
Our objective is to promote, sponsor, manage and control the obtaining of all kinds of advertising research, media audience research, surveys, investigations and reports.