Privacy Policy

Quirk’s Marketing Research Review is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers and Web site users. The following explains how we gather and use your information

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how Quirk Enterprises, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively “Quirk’s”), treat the personally identifiable information that is collected about you when you visit the Quirk’s Marketing Research Review magazine web site (, and the information collected on Quirk’s behalf to the extent we use third-party service providers to host the web site or collect information about site users. This policy may change over time. Any changes will be posted at this URL and will be effective when posted. Your use of this site constitutes your acceptance of this policy.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information

Quirk’s generally collects personally identifiable information with your specific knowledge and consent and only to provide you with the service you have requested.

"Personally identifiable information" is information that we can use to identify you as an individual. Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, telephone number and any other information that is connected with you personally For instance, when you subscribe to our magazine, change your mailing address, set up an online account or subscribe to our e-newsletters, you will be asked to provide information such as your e-mail address, name, phone number, and shipping address. Information such as your age, gender, month of birth may also be requested for verification purposes.

Quirk’s uses this information to provide you with the service you have requested. If you subscribe to our magazine, we may use your e-mail address to send you a confirmation notice and your mailing address to send you your magazine. Similarly, if you enter online form, we will use this information to contact or follow-up with you.

We might also send out periodic e-mails about subscription renewals, new services and announcements from our site. We may also use any personal information you send for marketing and promotional purposes and we may combine information we receive online with outside records to enhance our ability to market our products or those of our advertisers. You may elect to stop receiving e-mail messages or promotional mailings (other than transactional messages relating to any accounts you may have with us) by accessing your account preferences online.

Third Party Service Providers

The information you provide may be collected by third party service providers with whom Quirk’s contracts to host the web site or to fulfill requests for services; in that event, Quirk’s asks such service providers to make the personal information available only to Quirk’s for Quirk’s to use in accordance with the terms of this policy and not to use the information for any other purpose.

In addition to the foregoing, Quirk’s may share or disclose personally identifiable information about you to other companies or individuals when:

  • We utilize third party service providers to provide products, services or functions on our behalf (such as sending emails or processing credit cards or fulfilling subscriptions), and ask these service providers to agree to maintain the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information and not to use your personally identifiable information for any reason except to carry out the purpose(s) for which we hired them;
  • You have entered a contest or sweepstakes sponsored by a third party, in which case the information may be shared with that third party for their use in their discretion, including direct marketing (if you don’t want your name shared, you should not enter the contest or sweepstakes);
  • We need to protect our legal rights (for example, if we are trying to collect money you owe us);
  • We must comply with applicable laws, regulations, or legal or regulatory process; or
  • In connection with a sale, merger, transfer, exchange, or other disposition (whether of assets, stock, or otherwise) of all or a portion of the business conducted by


Quirk’s (or third party service providers on our behalf) may set and access cookies on your computer. A cookie is a small amount of data (often including a unique identifier), that is sent to your browser from a web site’s computers and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Quirk’s uses cookies to understand site usage and to improve the content and offerings on our site. We may use cookies to control the display of ads, to track usage patterns on the site, to deliver editorial content, to record requests for subscriptions and to personalize information. Quirk’s (or third party service providers on our behalf) may also use cookies to collect aggregate information about web site users on an anonymous basis. We may share aggregate demographic and usage information with our prospective and actual business partners, advertisers and other third parties for any business purpose. Some of our advertisers may serve you cookies as well. We do not have control over cookies placed by advertisers. If you don’t want cookies, most Web browsers include an option that allows you to not accept them. However, if you set your browser to refuse cookies, some portions of our site may not function efficiently.

IP Address

Your Internet Protocol ("IP") address is usually associated with the place from which you enter the Internet, like your Internet Service Provider, your company or your university. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers, gather broad demographic information, and administer our website.

Kids And Parents

The site covered by this policy is not intended for use by children under age 18. No one under age 18 is allowed to provide any personal information or use our public discussion areas. Minors under the age of 18 must get the permission of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) before subscribing to any magazines or services on our site.

Non-U.S. Users

If you are located outside of the United States, please note that the information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using this web site, you consent to this transfer. You also consent to the adjudication of any disputes arising in connection with this website in the federal and state courts of, and in accordance with the laws of, the state of Minnesota.

Job Postings and other user-generated Postings

All discussion and community boards on our site including job postings are made public and the information is made available on the Internet. As such, it may be listed in the major search engines such as Google. You should exercise caution when deciding to share any of your personal information for public viewing on our discussion boards.

If you elect to post material to any discussion boards, or other community boards (job postings) that may be offered on our site, you will be solely responsible for all content, messages, text, files, images, graphics, photos, audio clips, sounds, video or other materials (the "Postings"). You agree that any Postings you post to the site will be true and accurate and will not infringe the proprietary rights of any third person. You agree not to furnish any Postings to which you do not own the rights. By furnishing Postings, you give Quirk’s the right to use such Postings in any manner and in any media now known or hereafter invented.

Please be aware that Quirk’s does not and cannot monitor all of the Postings made to this site, and therefore will not be responsible for the content of any Postings. However, Quirk’s does reserve the right to delete or edit any material in any Posting that is offensive, obscene, harassing, offensive or otherwise objectionable and not in keeping with the community standards of the Web site. We also expect our users to adhere to certain rules of the road. Therefore, you agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Postings:

  • that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic, libelous, or invasive of another's privacy, or harmful to minors in any way;
  • that harass, degrade, intimidate or are hateful toward an individual, company or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
  • that include personal or identifying information about another person without that person's explicit consent.
  • that are false, deceptive, misleading, deceitful, misinformative, or constitute "bait and switch";
  • that infringe any proprietary rights of any party, or Postings that you do not have a right to make available.

Because Quirk’s does not monitor the Postings, you agree to use and rely on them at your own risk. Quirk’s cannot make any representation or warranty about the material contained in the Postings.

Information This Privacy Policy Does Not Apply To

This privacy policy does not apply to information collected about you by anyone except Quirk’s and only applies to Any information you provide when you visit web sites other than those covered by this policy (including those linked from or when you purchase any products or services that may be offered or advertised on our web site by companies other than Quirk’s is subject to the privacy policies posted on those sites.

Changes to Privacy Policy and Notice

Quirk’s may change this policy from time to time in its discretion. Your continued use of our site indicates your consent to this privacy policy and any amended versions of it.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the practices of this site, or your dealing with this web site, you can contact us at or call us at 651-379-6200.

This policy was last updated on October 25, 2005.