Adopting a multifaceted market research approach

Editor’s note: Devora Rogers is chief strategy officer at Alter Agents. 

Layering multiple approaches to gain more holistic insights has been proven useful again and again when brands are seeking a nuanced understanding of audience behavior. The days when a single gen-pop survey could provide necessary answers to drive strategy are gone, and new methodologies and innovative techniques are cropping up daily to help answer complex business questions. Every project requires a deft blend of approaches to get the most reliable insights. 

Just as audiences are complex and varied, so are the techniques we have at our disposal to understand them. From agile neuroscience and biometrics to ethnography and focus groups, plus more traditional quantitative techniques to frame these findings, we have an array of options for uncovering the best insights. Choosing the right blend of methodologies is critical, and depends on factors like existing studies, the research questions, the audience makeup, the product or brand category and many other variables.

Exploring TikTok user preferences

Recently, we teamed up with TikTok to help advertisers create outreach strategies on the platform. As the leading destination for short-form video, a wildly popular medium, many brands are looking to reach its users to boost awareness, generate leads and attract new customers. We sought to answer the question of how to best reach and engage TikTok audiences. With the wide-ranging content available on TikTok, brands have seemingly infinite choices when it comes to developing and activating creative campaigns on the platform. 

To provide insights to help guide advertising strategy, we conducted a quantitative study among n=2,400 TikTok users in the United States, designed with in-context exposure and in-context simulated shopping, powered by EyeSquare, to evaluate impact on brand outcomes via different content mixes on TikTok. 

Our in-context evaluation techniques focused on a flexible approach to provide insights into how users engage with content in context, helping identify the factors that influence decision-making. Using it, researchers can compare contextual insights across different content variations or designs to determine which performs best in specific contexts. 

This study design included a mock TikTok For You page, with key interactions like clicks and watch time captured. TikTok users scrolled through this mock page and throughout their time in the environment they were shown two or three content exposures. We compared “variety,” where users were shown two or three different content creatives with no repetition, and “no variety,” where they were shown a content creative repeated three times. 

Key findings to advise content strategy on TikTok

Notably, the study findings showed that 64% of TikTok users express a preference for brands that offer a diverse range of content. This is attributed to their inclination toward finding such content more entertaining, enjoying the novelty it brings and gaining knowledge from various contexts.

Specifically, when respondents were shown content variety (such as brand-led, creator-led and organic) in campaigns versus a repetitive ad, the study found: 

  • A 65% increase in stated positive emotions. 
  • Overall lift across key brand metrics, like familiarity, favorability and relevance.
  • An increase in brand KPIs such as engagement (23%), time watched (25%) and branding (5%).

The optimal TikTok content strategy for brands depends on their goals and industry, with adaptability being crucial. High production content can be blended with low production content, along with a variety of content types, to boost a variety of full funnel metrics. For example, if the goal is branding, using a mix of content types, such as brand-led, short and highly produced videos, is effective. Recommended content includes unboxing, behind-the-scenes (BTS), creator-led content and a mix of voiceover and no voiceover. For performance goals like boosting purchase intent and interaction, content between 16-30 seconds that features the product prominently is key. A blend of BTS, point-of-view and audio variations works well. For a balanced approach aiming at both branding and performance, brands should experiment with various content types and production levels. 

The insights from this study provide a research-backed framework that offers a foundation for developing the optimal TikTok content mix, helping brands build campaigns, create organic content and collaborate with creators. By understanding and leveraging these insights, brands can better navigate the dynamic world of TikTok and effectively engage with their audiences.

Understanding audience behavior and preferences 

Leveraging multimodal market research techniques is essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of audience behavior and preferences. By blending methodologies, such as in-context testing and quantitative surveys in this example, brands can gather richer and more reliable insights. By approaching every project with a flexible, agile mind-set and a number of methodologies in your toolbox, you can better capture complexities of modern consumer interactions and behaviors. The insights drawn from such diverse methods not only inform more effective content strategies on platforms like TikTok but also enable brands to make data-driven decisions that resonate with their target audiences. 

As the landscape of market research continues to evolve, adopting a multifaceted approach ensures that brands remain adaptive and responsive to the ever-changing dynamics of consumer engagement.