Q&A with Keri Hughes, Voya Financial  

Editor's Note: Keri Hughes, market research manager, Voya Financial, along with two other speakers from Tamman Inc., will be presenting the session titled, The future of insights: Inclusivity” at the 2024 Quirk’s Event – New York. 

On July 17, speakers from Voya Financial and Tamman Inc. will be presenting “The Future of insights: Inclusivity” at the Quirk’s Event – New York. The three speakers will illustrate simple ways to make participation in research projects more accessible to those with disabilities.  

Keri Hughes, Steve Levine and Kristen Witucki will discuss experiences people with disabilities have shared with them. The session will include tips for making participation more inclusive, including changes to recruitment, question formats and more. All of which was learned due to the companies’ participation in the Accessible Insights Consortium.   

A couple of years ago the consortium was established because of the interdependent relationships between end-clients and suppliers. Without end-clients asking for accessibility measures or suppliers implementing them across their research, accessibility would not be considered. The consortium is focused on bringing change to the market research industry by implementing and raising awareness for accessibility measures.  

Hughes sat down with Quirk’s to share a sneak peak of the session.  

What is one of the most common challenges you have seen someone with disabilities face when interacting with the research industry?  

The research industry is exclusionary by nature – only accepting those in a study who qualify based on a number of characteristics. Some of these questions automatically exclude people with disabilities unintentionally. 

Survey platforms and the question types being used are not always ADA compatible with support tools like screen readers. It’s important we provide everyone a chance to be included in our research.  

What is the easiest way to improve experiences for people with disabilities?  

Start thinking more intentionally about your inclusion and exclusion criteria. Make sure you aren’t inadvertently screening out people with disabilities – i.e., those who are restricted in terms of income limits per SSI, but still have valid opinions to share as shoppers/consumers.  

And make sure question formatting and stimuli are compatible with assistive devices where possible.

Why should a Quirk’s Event attendee listen to your session?  

This session will help you better understand the challenges and simple ways you can start improving your research experience for people with disabilities, thus becoming more inclusive as a researcher, brand and company.   

To get involved with the Accessible Insights Consortium click here.