Editor's note: Mary Emerson Baker is the vice president of market research at Suzy.

As market researchers, we understand the vital role trackers play in successfully navigating the complexities of brand health, consumer behavior and market trends. The best trackers are the most actionable ones, those that serve as a single pillar within a larger initiative of comprehensive learning. To achieve this actionability and stay at the forefront of market research, it’s essential to push the boundaries of how trackers are executed and used.

Trackers need the “why” to be valuable

Traditional trackers primarily focus on quantitative metrics. Without the ability to retarget respondents, brands are left with a lot of unanswered questions about any fluctuations in tracker data. In addition to tracker data, it’s critical to integrate qualitative insights for a true voice of the consumer. For instance, pairing survey data with insights from focus groups or in-depth interviews can reveal the motivations behind the numbers, helping researchers identify the “why” behind shifts in brand perception or category trends and offering a deeper layer of insight.

Trackers need to be rigorous and fast

Real-time consumer engagement is critical for trackers to provide a continuous feedback loop. Without it, brands can’t respond swiftly to consumer feedback or make adjustments. Traditional trackers typically take up to six months to set up, field and analyze, and by the time brands get their tracking data back, it’s often too late to act on potentially outdated insights. At Suzy, we’re speeding up the entire tracking process so brands can use real-time survey data and gather instant feedback from consumers.

Trackers need to balance consistency and flexibility

As consumer priorities shift, so should brands. However, many tracker suppliers are slow to adjust trackers or don’t offer the ability to make any changes. While it’s best not to drastically alter trackers from wave to wave, brands still need the opportunity to make shifts and additions to keep up with consumers. 

Trackers shouldn’t stand alone

Lastly, a tracker shouldn’t exist in isolation. It should encompass a holistic view, integrating data on category trends, global events and consumer lifestyles. This comprehensive approach ensures that the insights derived are grounded in the broader context, allowing brands to make truly informed decisions. By considering external factors and real-world influences, trackers can provide a richer, more actionable understanding of consumer behavior and market dynamics, leading to more effective and strategic business outcomes.

At Suzy, we’re changing the way trackers run, offering speed, actionability and integrated quant and qual all in one connected platform. With our trackers, brands can easily test product innovations, concepts, messaging and comms all stemming from tracker trends. This is tracker research that constantly informs other research, allowing for continuous, actionable learning. That is what allows a tracker to be more than just a tracker – making it a business growth driver. 


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