By Premise Staff

Two-thirds of the world’s retail sales occur in traditional trade. These predominantly small, cash-only sales that take place every second in corner stores and neighborhood supermarkets account for roughly $3.7 trillion in consumer spend per year.

But traditional trade is also traditionally challenging to monitor. Legacy data intelligence solutions for emerging markets rely on field team auditing, with too-small sample sizes, for their insights into traditional trade. By the time that data is tabulated and in the hands of decision makers, it has grown stale. This leaves no time for brands to pivot, resulting in lost sales opportunities.

You find yourself asking questions like these, but with no satisfactory answers.

  • Are our products even in stock?
  • Are our products priced how we intended?
  • Are our products visible on the shelves?
  • Are these small stores we’ll never be able to visit in person executing our temporary price reductions and promotions?

As a CPG brand, relying on legacy intelligence solutions leaves you stuck in a never-ending cycle of reacting rather than proactively strategizing.

What’s the solution?

Understanding consumers around the world

It’s easy to make use of the at-your-fingertips accessibility of e-commerce or modern trade intelligence. Many apps and solutions exist to slice and dice terabytes of modern trade sales data.

Uncovering how the other two-thirds of the world shops is more difficult. They don’t pay with easy-to-monitor credit card transactions; they pay with cash. And they are neglected by legacy consumer intelligence solutions.

Because of this, CPG decision makers aren’t fully equipped with the in-depth knowledge to ensure that brand-loyal customers in emerging markets always have access to their favorite soda or soap. Nor to ensure that those customers are benefitting from temporary price discounts or promotions. No CPG decision maker wants to neglect a loyal customer base, but traditional intelligence just hasn’t been granular enough to service traditional trade.

Until now.

How CPG brands are modernizing in-store execution in traditional trade

Premise’s suite of tools now empowers CPG brands to peek behind the curtain and finally get in-depth, granular, and same-day analytics about traditional trade.

The Premise Platform enables CPG companies to easily create campaigns for tracking product pricing and availability at traditional trade retail outlets across the globe. Tasks are distributed through Premise’s Contributor Network marketplace and managed in real time. Contributors submit their findings, which undergo rigorous manual and automatic quality control processes to detect any fraud or errors, ensuring only the highest quality data makes it through.

This verified data is then accessible through customized dashboards, allowing businesses to visualize and drill down into each data point. The data can also be seamlessly downloaded and integrated directly into existing systems. With Premise’s powerful platform, CPG brands gain unprecedented visibility into real-world pricing for their products across the traditional retail landscape.

Price Tracker

By providing same-day data on pricing across retailers for a brand’s products as well as those of competitors, Premise Price Tracker allows brands to quickly identify areas where they are undercut on pricing and make strategic decisions to adjust pricing strategy.

This pricing intelligence is crucial for maintaining optimal price points that maximize revenue while avoiding being outpriced (and outpaced) by the competition. Additionally, historical pricing data helps identify longer-term pricing trends and fluctuations that can inform future pricing tactics. With its comprehensive, up-to-date pricing intelligence, Price Tracker empowers brand decision makers with the insights needed to refine pricing policies for maximum profitability and market share.

Availability Tracker

Availability Tracker provides CPG brands with invaluable rapid data on product distribution that allows them to maintain optimal product availability while swiftly addressing any supply chain disruptions. By tracking product presence across traditional trade channels, Availability Tracker ensures brands have up-to-date visibility into their true market penetration.

Same-day out-of-stock alerts enable quick response to restock products before losing sales. The tool also surfaces high-potential stores for expanding distribution, allowing brands to efficiently capitalize on untapped opportunities. This strategic market intelligence is especially powerful for new product launches, providing instant feedback on rollout success and informing distribution adjustments. With continuous monitoring of availability alongside data-driven insights into gaps and opportunities, Availability Tracker empowers CPG brand leaders to optimize product availability, safeguard revenue and maximize their retail footprint across traditional trade.

Rolling Retail Census

Where are your competitors achieving better distribution? Who is winning on assortment size or share of visible inventory (SOVI)?

That’s where Premise’s Rolling Retail Census (RRC) comes in. RRC empowers CPG leaders with unprecedented visibility into the nuances of product distribution, execution, and competitor strategies at POS level nationwide. Gain a comprehensive view across 100% of traditional trade to pinpoint opportunities for boosting availability, maintaining shelf dominance, preventing out-of-stocks and understanding your rivals’ in-store tactics.

With the Rolling Retail Census, you can move beyond assumptions to data-driven insights that unlock your brand’s full potential. Identify and rectify store-level gaps, protect your cooler purity and consistently outmaneuver the competition through a product platform that puts retail reality at your fingertips. In today’s dynamic marketplace, the Rolling Retail Census is a game-changing advantage for brands ready to maximize sales and market share.

Traditional trade, nontraditional intelligence

Though it accounts for two-thirds of the world’s retail sales, traditional trade has long been nearly impossible to effectively monitor. Premise’s innovative Price Tracker and Availability Tracker solutions finally provide CPG brands with real-time, granular insights into pricing, product availability, distribution and execution across the traditional trade landscape.

With this cutting-edge market research intelligence, brands can maintain optimal pricing and product availability, swiftly adapt to disruptions, identify new opportunities and maximize market penetration – allowing them to better serve the billions of consumers who shop traditional trade channels around the world. By modernizing their traditional trade analytics capabilities, CPG companies can stay ahead of the competition and foster growth in this vital, underserved market.

Want to know how forward-thinking CPG brands are making use of modern execution intelligence?

Get our special e-book “A Cutting-Edge Strategy for In-Store Execution Intelligence” for case studies on intelligence-monitoring in traditional trade.