Decision Analyst, Inc., Arlington, TX, has named Dr. Ming-Hong Huang diÂrector of statistical services.
Michael A. Raub has joined the MinÂneapolis office of Maritz Marketing ReÂsearch as account manager. In addition, Steven D. Wolf has joined the New York City Maritz office as account manager.
Jeffrey W. Hine has been named marÂketing research manager for Home ShopÂping Network.
Karen Peterson has been elected to a three-year term as a member of the Board of the Council of American Survey ReÂsearch Organizations (CASRO), the naÂtional trade association for the survey research industry. She is president of Davidson-Peterson Associates, Inc. a full-service research company based in York, ME.
The NPD Group, Port Washington, NY, has named Helene Sashin director of project staff for the Home Testing InÂstitute, NPD's custom research division. Previously she was director of business intelligence at Dunham & Marcus, Inc., New York.
Leslie S. Joseph has been named reÂsearch director at Dallas-based LLH EnÂterprises.
Jeffrey C. Greenberg has been proÂmoted to executive vice president at the Wayne, NJ office of Information ReÂsources, Inc.
Wight Adams has joined New South Research, Birmingham, AL, as research associate.
Sherry Burford has joined the East Coast office of Minneapolis-based CusÂtom Research as research manager. PreÂviously she was a research executive at Opinion Research Corp.
Douglas R. Berdie will head quality and customer satisfaction research for Minneapolis-based Carlson Research Co.
Thomas L. Hegedus has been named managing director of Opinion Research Corp. International, a new, London-based international subsidiary of Opinion ReÂsearch Corp., Princeton, NJ.
Arthur Savitt has joined SouthampÂton, PA-based Attitude Measurement Corp. as executive vice president, client services.
Total Research Corp., Princeton, NJ, has named Tom Nolte to the position of senior research analyst. In addition, Marilyn Heebink has been named projÂect manager.