How to conduct a successful in-depth interview

Editor’s note: Lyndsay Sund is the senior project manager at Syncscript. This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared under the title “Mastering the Art of In-depth Interviews: Effective Techniques for Uncovering Insights.”

In-depth interviews are the cornerstone of qualitative research. They provide rich, detailed insights on complex issues that surveys and quantitative methods can’t capture. However, an engaged respondent can only take you so far. The effectiveness of these interviews hinge on the interviewer’s skill in fostering trust and eliciting genuine insights which can significantly enhance the quality of your findings. In this article, we’ll explore some proven techniques for conducting in-depth interviews that yield actionable results.

Establish rapport with interviewees

Building rapport is essential for a successful interview. Begin by introducing yourself warmly, expressing genuine interest and creating a comfortable atmosphere. Empathy, active listening and validation of participants’ experiences are key elements in establishing rapport. A comfortable respondent often makes for a more interesting interview.

Ask the right questions

Questions in the discussion guide are often scripted, but it’s important to maintain some flexibility, allowing room for spontaneous exploration of topics that arise. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification or probe deeper into certain topics. It is important to invite participants to share stories or examples, which can yield richer insights. 

We’ve noticed that if you sound like you’re reading from a questionnaire, the respondents will give shorter answers. Vary your voice, connect the questions to their previous responses or what you know from the screener and your respondents will be more likely to answer more thoroughly. We’ve found that the discussion guide is an excellent outline, but word choice and following a more conversational style matters. 

Practice active listening and summarize answers

Demonstrate genuine interest through attentive body language using both verbal and non-verbal cues and supportive listening, even if you are on a web-based platform. Mirror or paraphrase key points periodically to show understanding and allow the respondent to confirm or clarify. These probes delve deeper into participants’ perspectives, revealing nuances and underlying motivations.

Proactive listening: Noticing non-verbal cues

In addition to verbal responses, pay close attention to participants’ non-verbal cues. Facial expressions, body language and tone of voice offer valuable insights into emotions, attitudes and underlying sentiments. Proactive listening to these cues enables interviewers to delve deeper into participants’ subconscious thoughts and feelings. 

Embrace silence

Silence can be a powerful tool in in-depth interviews. Allow moments of silence after posing a question to give participants ample time to process and formulate their responses. Resist the urge to fill silences with additional questions or commentary. Often, participants use these pauses to delve into deeper thoughts, resulting in richer insights. Remember the old dial-up internet service where we waited patiently to access the internet? The same rule applies here.

The post-interview process: Follow-up with research participants

Always thank your interviewees for their time and insights and, when applicable, ask if they’d like to receive the findings of the study. Also, invite feedback on the interview process: “Is there anything I didn’t ask you that I should have?” This is the perfect opportunity to gain last-minute valuable insights for future interviews. After the interview, the focus shifts to analyzing the data.  

Mastering effective techniques for conducting in-depth interviews is a valuable skill across various fields. By carefully preparing, building rapport, asking insightful questions, actively listening and ethically handling post-interview processes, you can uncover deep insights that surface-level methods cannot reach. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or new to qualitative interviews, applying these strategies will enhance the quality and depth of your findings, leading to more impactful outcomes.