What Is Pre-Launch Personalization and How Can It Help Brands Acquire Customers?

Editor's note: GutCheck gave a webinar on pre-launch personalization and how it helps brand get customers on Aug. 9, 2018. Duration 56:50.

In North America alone, about $22 billion in industry sales shifted from large to smaller companies from 2011 to 2016. These smaller companies have successfully identified and targeted a niche audience by building personalized products and communications that speak directly to that audience.

Brands that fully invest in personalization will outsell peers that have not by more than 30%.

We wanted to see what this looks like for the grocery coffee category, an increasingly competitive space, so we commissioned and ran a study that combined survey and behavioral data to get a clearer view of the category and which brands are poised for growth.

Dunkin’ Donuts came out on top. They have the opportunity to acquire up to 4.78 million current category purchasers from competitors. To capitalize on this opportunity, the brand needs to understand who this unique audiences is on a more personal level, including how and where to effectively reach them.


  • Matt Waters, CEO, GutCheck. 
  • Renee Smith, chief research officer, GutCheck.  
