Quirk’s Media believes it is important to create opportunities to connect and learn virtually. That is why we work each quarter to partner with marketing research firms and client-side researchers to provide free virtual sessions covering a range of topics to promote continued learning.  

If joining us live doesn’t work with your busy schedule, you can watch Quirk’s Virtual Sessions on demand. Read on to learn more about a few of our most recent sessions, and be sure to sign up for free to attend Quirk’s Virtual this September to learn all about DIY research! 

Accessibility in Research: It Takes a Village

Consumers with disabilities are part of every community regardless of race, gender, class or age. According to the CDC, up to one in four adults (ages 18 to 44) in the United States have some form of disability. These consumers are interacting with your brands whether their disability is visible or not.  

That is why Verizon and other brands – including marketing research suppliers – have created the Accessible Insights Consortium, with the goal of making market research accessible for all consumers.  

On April 17, 2024, Verizon’s Claire Ferrari, UX research senior manager, and Kari Bassett market research senior manager, gave a presentation on making research accessible to all participants and explaining the consortium. During this virtual presentation, you will learn ways to support accessibility in your own work and in the insights industry as a whole. Learn more. 

Fab-brew-lous Collaboration: Product Innovations from the Melitta Group 

Two years ago, Melitta Group wanted to develop a new business field in the mental well-being sector, and the company needed lots of ideas. The team’s used a design thinking workshop to develop ideas and find relevant innovations to fill the product pipeline.

But they had one issue. They didn't quite know which of these ideas were worth driving forward and didn't know what the consumers were thinking about the ideas. The Melitta team knew they needed to narrow down the list of ideas, so they turned to quantilope for their help in testing ideas to help narrow them down. 

On April 17, 2024, during the Quirk’s Virtual – Collaboration series quantilope and the Melitta Group shared the process they used to narrow the list down to one idea that ended up going to market. Learn more. 

How Qual Has Evolved and What It Means to You

Qualitative research is expected to continue evolving with increased specialization, the integration of online methods and the adoption of AI, all while maintaining its essential human element. This session led by Jeff Walkowski, a retired qualitative researcher, explores the evolution of qualitative research, focusing on its adaptability, resilience and growing importance. 

Watch this recording to learn about the original shift from IDIs to focus groups and specialized facilities, as well as the jump to online research (accelerated by COVID-19 pandemic), impact of AI and anticipated future trends. Learn more.

TikTok Creative That Works: Insights from EyeSee, 3M/Scotch Brite and TikTok

TikTok is an emotionally engaging platform, and the No. 1 reason globally for visiting TikTok is to be entertained. How can brands create an effective communication strategy with TikTok?

In this virtual session, speakers from EyeSee, TikTok and 3M dive into the findings and recommendations from EyeSee’s global TikTok study, “TikTok Creative that Works,” which involved testing 60 branded video ads from 20 global brands. 

First, the speakers from EyeSee and TikTok discuss ways to understand and capture the essence and specifics of TikTok as a social media channel. Then Marie Corcoran, who oversees global brand strategy and communication at 3M, paints another part of that picture, looking specifically at how Scotch Bright as a brand approached communication strategy with TikTok and what their key takeaways are. Finally, the speakers share results from the study along with specific recommendations for brands based on the research. Learn more.