By Janice Caston, SVP Global Marketing, Toluna

As insights teams need to be more agile, an automated insights solution unlocks new opportunities to stay ahead. 

Automated insights solutions inform product development, drive brand growth and offer the consistency needed to fuel efficiency and scalability. Why is this important? Because today’s market is changing faster than ever before and so are consumer behaviors and expectations.

Meet the modern insights professional’s demands

It stands to reason that consumer insights professionals have new and specific demands to keep up with target audiences. Aside from the struggle of ever-changing consumers, they’re faced with business pressures ranging from budget constraints to aggressive timelines and beyond.

Fifty-nine percent of today’s buyers agree they can access tools previously not available. Here’s what to know about their insights demands – all of which automation can deliver.

Speed and agility are non-negotiable

Fast-moving projects often demand results in hours or days – not weeks – to bring new products to market and stay competitive. Further, each project is different and likely requires customization.

Many insights professionals are supporting multiple business functions, with an average of nine under their jurisdiction, meaning crunch time is all the time. They’re expected to handle as much as possible in-house, making fast, flexible technology and real-time results a must. Pre-templated questionnaires with customization options are the fast and flexible time and resource saver that insights professionals rely on to get studies done quickly and reliably.

Insights professionals expect value, efficiency and support

Doing more with less is a common expectation across industries and around the world. About 77% of insights professionals report feeling budget pressure and more than half look to automation to drive value and efficiency. Automation becomes even more powerful when coupled with live, expert support – when and where it’s needed – to further control costs.

Automation helps insights professionals save without sacrificing quality. Intuitive technology that’s always being optimized frees up their time and energy so it can be invested elsewhere. This type of efficiency keeps projects manageable, on schedule and on (or under) budget.

Scale quality and consistency are key

Business questions must be answered at scale to keep up with today’s vast global insights needs and automation ensures that insights professionals aren’t sacrificing quality for the sake of time.

Professionals rely on customization, analytics and visualization to provide simplicity and scale to their projects and common project and product parameters to drive scale and consistency. Best-practice methodology and quality checks are baked right into the solutions for better outcomes – even on the biggest projects.

How automated solutions answer industry needs

Automation isn’t one-size-fits-all, nor is it meant to replace human knowledge and support. Not only do built-in templates and modules deliver on the speed and agility insights professionals now need but they also leverage best practices, advanced thinking and best-in-class approaches.

From there, brands can quickly and easily customize solutions, find the right fit and share across the company and around the world.

Embedded automation helps brands achieve faster consumer learning in a powerful and cost-effective way. An overwhelming 83% of technology suppliers agree that automation would enable users to complete projects and initiatives faster. This is the catalyst for seamless collaboration and accurate, real-time reporting on a larger scale.
