Practical Approaches to Digital Transformation: A P&G Case Study

Editor's note: AYTM held a webinar on Oct. 17, 2019 on digital transformation. Duration 47:20.

New tools? New skills? New ways to research? Join us for an in-depth exploration of what digital transformation looks like from the perspective of a large CPG research organization and the automation solution that helped make rapid product innovation a reality. We’ll cover practical steps and important soft skills that will help your team successfully move large-scale full-service projects into a digital world.

Our webinar will cover:

  • A case study from a large CPG research organization who recently completed a digital transformation
  • How a growth mindset, resilience and experimental approaches can help get your team ready and willing to make change happen
  • Tools for transformation - being responsive, connected and collaborative with your research
  • Automation and creativity - understanding the role of computing power to support researcher insights


  • Kristin Powers, director of product education, AYTM. 
  • Stephanie Legrand, product education coordinator, AYTM.