AI Essentials for Market Researchers | Whitepaper

AI is transforming market research, offering powerful tools that enhance your workflows and free you from tedious tasks. Our whitepaper, "AI in Market Research," explores the most significant opportunities for leveraging AI today, while reinforcing the critical role of human expertise.

AI can already perform tasks like text categorization, analyzing qualitative transcripts and automating data cleaning, allowing you to focus on higher-level insights and strategy. As AI improves, tools like answer bots will enable users to query survey data in real time through a simple chat interface, generating charts, tables and insights almost instantly. However, the human role remains essential in guiding these analyses, interpreting results and crafting meaningful stories from the data.

Looking ahead, automated report writing will become more advanced, making it easier to generate first drafts and identify key findings. But AI won’t replace the need for human insight – market researchers will still be at the helm, using AI to amplify their ability to uncover and communicate deeper, more impactful insights.

This whitepaper helps you understand how to integrate AI into your research without losing the human touch that makes analysis truly valuable.

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Exciting News – Announcing the Launch of The Data Story Academy!

Market researchers, this is your chance to enhance your skills and become a certified expert in data storytelling! The Data Story Academy is offering exclusive free access to all its courses for a limited time. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your expertise, these courses are tailored specifically to meet the needs of market researchers.

Courses such as Survey Analysis Foundations, Text Analysis Techniques and Tracking (Longitudinal) Research will provide you with actionable skills to apply immediately to your work. Plus, you can take advantage of specialized courses like Driving Marketing Strategy and Checking, Cleaning and Tidying Data, all designed to simplify your workflow and elevate your research.

Enroll now and take your market research to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable certifications and sharpen your data storytelling skills.

👉 Learn more.

Synthetic Media: Death of Real

Synthetic media is rapidly transforming how content is created and consumed, with AI-generated videos, images and voices becoming increasingly prevalent across industries like entertainment, marketing and social media.

Foivos Dousos, cultural insight director at, dives into the rich world of online conversation to explore how generative AI is changing up the media landscape and what society is saying in response. Focusing on the intersection between AI, art and entertainment, we look at how the rise of synthetic media is fundamentally reshaping our culture. 

What are the wins? What are the watch-outs? And what could this mean for your brand?

Learn more. 

Secrets for Qual Magic

AI offers endless opportunities to enhance your qualitative research but knowing where to focus in exploring new tools is challenging. You don't just need the latest shiny toy; you need options that are purpose-built for research. 

Read on to discover the potential of options like video summarization and chatting with your data to speed up analysis and help you uncover meaningful insights quickly. See where AI can take the burden off your shoulders and sift through all of your raw data while you focus on critical analysis and adding human nuance. Prepare to join hands with AI as your sidekick to enhance productivity and easily extract significant results. Click here to dive deeper into the world of AI-driven data analysis and learn how to best leverage it in your qualitative projects.

Learn more. 

Unveiling 4 Sustainability Personas: Who Are You Marketing To?

Most every marketing team has struggled to address sustainability in their business; from packaging alternatives that fail to perform in the same way as conventional, to premium pricing strategies that prompt consumers to wonder why they need to pay for the privilege. The unfortunate reality is that few of the initiatives have proven to work broadly in market.

To find effective ways to motivate people to embrace sustainable options, we need to first understand how people view humans and their relationship with planet Earth. Protobrand is releasing the results of a study conducted among 600 consumers in the U.S. to explore how people think and feel about humans and planet earth.

Using AI and behavioral science, the study shows that there are four distinct ways in which the relationship with earth is framed, and each of these provide fertile ground for brands to activate to achieve more sustainable consumption practices. The video shows Protobrand’s AI and behavioral science methodology, which allowed the study to uncover rich qualitative insights at scale.

We invite you to watch the video and consider – which persona does your brand activate? A reckless destroyer? A symbiotic transactor? A responsible guardian? A nature tranquilizer? How do you see these personas reflected in your brand marketing efforts? 

Download the video here.

aha intelligence (ai) Expands Reporting Capabilities

Now Features Executive Summaries and Auto-Generated Video Highlight Reels

aha insights technology recently added two new key features to its aha intelligenceTM (ai) analytics and reporting capabilities. On-demand Executive Summaries provide easily digestible C-suite overviews by quickly turning a 100-page deck into a one-page report. This integrated reporting tool enables market researchers and brand insight teams to deliver high-level snapshots of key findings and actionable recommendations from asynchronous qualitative, live digital IDIs/focus groups and hybrid study data.

We are very excited about this latest iteration of aha intelligence (ai), which distills a mountain of unstructured qual data into one brief summary of the most important things a busy executive needs to stay informed. While our objective-driven and question-level reports provide all of the supporting examples and validation, these summaries make the strategic learnings much more portable and shareable, enhancing awareness, alignment and adoption of a clear strategic direction.

The second new feature is our powerful auto-generated highlight reel tool that organizes dense unstructured video data into summary clips that support your key findings. The interview summaries are editable, customizable, searchable and downloadable.

aha intelligence (ai) gives analysts the ability to:

  • Automatically summarize large qualitative data sets.
  • Easily validate insights with responses (text and video) that support the findings.
  • Provide examples to support your key insights without having to search manually.
  • Create on-demand Executive Summaries and transformational reports.
  • Enhanced search capabilities with keyword or AI-assisted concept search.
  • Generate interview summaries accompanied by AI-curated video highlights.
  • Synthesize data to identify blind spots.
  • Instantly apply sentiment analysis.

Learn more about how aha intelligence (ai) can accelerate your market research analysis and reporting at

Read How Kantar Automated Panel Incentives

The article talks about how Kantar, one of world’s leading market research firms, leveraged Xoxoday to automate reward procurement and distribution for its panelists. 

The Challenge 

  • Before implementing Xoxoday, procurement and dispatch of rewards for survey participants were done manually, leading to logistical and operational challenges.
  • The existing solution consumed substantial employee bandwidth, causing significant hassles. 
  • Additionally, they faced difficulties in calculating analytics and reporting on reward redemption patterns.


  • Xoxoday offered a global marketplace featuring over 10 million rewards across 55+ countries, enabling Kantar to integrate and send e-gift cards and vouchers upon study completion.
  • Kantar also utilized Xoxoday's APIs to distribute rewards en masse. 
  • End-users could browse, select and redeem vouchers using reward points, while admins had access to detailed reporting and analytics on a single, intuitive dashboard.

The entire solution was implemented in just 72 hours. 

Learn more.

Knit's Newest Release: ‘Report-Ready Insights’

AI has seen a boom within the market research space. But the resounding feedback we’ve heard is that it’s never truly producing quality outputs that are usable at first pass. We often hear:

  • The AI is “out-of-the-box.” 
  • The user experience isn’t intuitive.
  • The technology isn’t intelligent.
  • The efficiency isn’t there.

When solutions complicate your work, they’re not solutions. And with that, we’re excited to announce “Report-Ready Insights” guided by Knit’s Researcher-Driven AI.

“Report-Ready Insights” and our new Researcher-Driven AI platform give you control and customization over Knit’s AI and your research workflow – guided by how you uniquely run research, end-to-end – to get you from research objectives to your topline report just 24 hours after fielding complete.

  • Knit can now be fully customized to how you uniquely run research – including your workflows, processes and even questionnaires.
  • Knit now generates an editable Analysis Plan, just like an agency would, to guide Knit’s analysis based on your desired cuts and key questions you’d like answered.
  • Your insights are report-ready just 24 hours after final notice, with a full topline report available for export directly into PowerPoint.
  • Knit’s Insight Explorer allows you to dive deeper into your quant and qual data while easily updating your slides and insights live, in a side-by-side view.
  • Your agency-level Dedicated Knit Researcher reviews Knit’s outputs for clarity, accuracy and resonance at every step of the research process within 24 hours of completion.

Learn more and book your Knit demo ASAP.