Top field management tips in qualitative marketing research 

Editor’s note: Liz Granahan is a partner at SyncScript. This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared under the title "Field Management 101: How to Keep Your Qualitative Research Running Like a Well-Oiled Machine."

Field management is the unsung hero of every successful qualitative research project. Whether you’re navigating in-person IDIs at a fancy facility or juggling Zoom focus groups from your couch, great field management keeps things smooth, reliable and, most importantly, free from those research-killing errors. From day one to data collection, attention to detail will elevate your research from “good enough” to “wow, look at these amazing insights.” 

Tips to ensure your fieldwork delivers high-quality, actionable data

1. Plan like you’re hosting the Oscars (but less stressful)

Great research starts with a plan, but not just any plan, a killer one. Create a detailed schedule that outlines every moving part, from choosing locations and recruiting your all-star participants to securing those all-important permissions. 

Don’t forget your tools: survey devices, checklists, caffeine (just kidding…maybe) and, of course, build in a buffer for the inevitable last-minute hiccup like someone’s grandma’s cat’s emergency. Appoint one master of ceremonies (aka a point person) who can keep things on track, adjusting the plan as needed, because flexibility is your secret weapon. 

2. The dream team: Carefully select your fieldwork members

You need a rock star team to manage the fieldwork. These are the people who will be juggling a thousand details, working with you, your client and participants. Pick a team that knows their way around qualitative research like a pro, with tried-and-true partners across all methodologies.  

The dream team should not only understand the ins and outs of your project but also know how to meet deadlines without breaking a sweat. If you’ve got the right crew in place, your clients’ objectives will be met and you’ll be the hero of the day. 

3. Managing expectations: Be transparent and keep participants engaged 

Ever had someone ghost on your study? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Keeping participants interested is key to getting that sweet, sweet data. Start with clear, open communication: What’s the study about? What’s the time commitment? Why are we doing this, and will there be snacks? (Okay, maybe not snacks, but incentives don’t hurt!) By being transparent and showing appreciation, you’ll make sure participants stick around. Manage their expectations from day one and you’ll avoid data drama down the road.

4. Quality control: Staying ahead of potential mistakes

Let’s be real: mistakes happen. But that doesn’t mean they have to ruin your research. Build quality control into every phase, from double-checking completed screeners to sitting in on data collection sessions like a fly on the wall. Use tech tools like automated systems or apps that let you track data in real time – because we’re living in the future, right? Regular spot checks keep small mistakes from snowballing into big disasters. And by peeking at small data sets early on, you can course-correct before anything goes off the rails. 

5. Question, assess and reflect on what happened to keep improving

Field management is a process that evolves as you go. After each round of data collection, take a beat to assess: What went well? What didn’t? What would you do differently next time? This constant fine-tuning will elevate your research game and ensure that your methods only get sharper with each study. By planning, picking the right partners, managing participants like a pro and keeping quality in check, you’ll be on the fast track to research glory.